There were fierce battles and crushing deaths. The plot thickened with betrayal, conflicted loyalties, and self-sacrifice. And Brother Heyward’s mysterious invention. :D :D Jo Shanks is in this book-woohoo!!! <3 ) And catapults. Please, let’s talk about the best thing ever that is rabbits with bows. ) I liked the further character development of Lord Rake, Lord Ramnor, and even Helmer. Now that I think of it, all of the rabbits have kinda “leveled up” in this book. Her decision at the end kinda shocked me. I liked how she cared deeply for others and spread hope wherever she could.

He was by no means perfect, though, and Uncle Wilfred’s advice about inner battle scars had me sniffing. I also really loved how he took care of his sister Heather and her friend Emma.

Picket was fantastic in this one! In light of his attitude in the first book, it was really cool to see him moving beyond that as a capable leader working with his own elite squadron, the Fowlers. But I read it, and I loved it, and it’s worth the read, and I’m glad to be back into these books. Even just the title filled me with foreboding. :D Picket was fantastic in this one! In light of his attitude in the first book, it was really cool to see him moving beyond that as a capable leader working with his own elite squadron, the Fowle I took me forever to work up the courage to read this book because I accidentally read a review with a HUGE spoiler that made me doubt if it was worth reading. I took me forever to work up the courage to read this book because I accidentally read a review with a HUGE spoiler that made me doubt if it was worth reading. While the first book invites us into the story, this lets us get invested and makes us ready to fight alongside our friends in the war that is starting.more At the end of this book, my children and my book club students were angry and sad, but also completely won over by the story and were ready to quickly move to the next book, Ember Rising. Parents may wish to know that in this book we suffer our first substantial casualty, which is compounded by an additional act of heroic but tragic sacrifice. “I don’t know how I am going to die,” said, backing to the far side of the sixth standing stone, “but I know how I am going to live.” - Ember Falls But I keep coming back to re-read it because it also blesses me with its beauty and virtue. A classic middle book, this one moves the story forward, introduces new characters who will become essential to the overall story, and gives us much to think about. What you need to know is that in Ember Falls the stakes are higher, the sacrifices are real, the betrayal is unexpected and brutal, and the writing is beautiful.
But I keep coming back to re-read it because it also ble I want to be careful not to spoil anything in this book that is full of surprises.

I want to be careful not to spoil anything in this book that is full of surprises.